
jazminortiz.com! You have a smol screen!

Contact Me!
If you think my website is super cool or want to contact me. Please contact me at:
jazmin <at sign> jazminortiz <dot> com
Hello! My name is Jazmin and this is my website. Currently my website is a sad website, that I slapped together to have a nice email when I applied to software engineering jobs right out of college. I've decided I want to update this website to learn a little React and some modern UI framework(probably MUI) so it may be somewhat broken at times while I update.
So I did end up getting that software engineering job I wanted! I'm a software engineer at Salesforce...I'm I guess you would call a "full stack" engineer, on the front end I work in both Aura and LWC, these are Salesforce specific UI frameworks, I also use Java to write controllers and data providers and even get to dabble in designing new entities for the database.